Peacemaking is conflict transformation. No matter whether it is a micro or a macro peacemaking process, the conditions and dynamics of conflict are transformed, not resolved. This is why in almost all instances, the term
conflict transformation should be substituted for
conflict resolution. Conflict is endemic throughout all human life, and is rarely, almost never, resolved completely. That having been said, the definition of the word
conflict itself needs re-envisioning -- the essential nature of conflict must not be assumed to include violence or fighting, because this has the -- usually unintended -- effect of condoning such violence, and results in a "conceptual (linguistic) masking" of peacemaking as an inherent possibility in all human affairs.
The relationship between statism -- the institution of the nation-state -- and peacemaking is problematic. This writer believes that nation-states will be with us for the foreseeable future, but the very fact of their existence bespeaks an unhealthy response to the moral mandate of Active Peace. It has been said that "
war is the health of the state", and there is great truth to this. Nation-states may also be seen as the ultimate outgrowth of the philosophy that all life is fraught with conflict, and the social-Darwinist notion that only the strong survive.
Darwin's theory on the origin of species was essentially correct, but he is often mis-quoted and mis-interpreted regarding the notion of "
only the strong survive". Actually, it is the most adaptable organisms that are able to survive, and they do so by making the most evolutionarily-appropriate adaptation to their surroundings.
Modern life, and especially nuclear technology, have imposed a categorical moral imperative upon humanity -- that is, we, in our great numbers and evolutionary success, have imposed it upon ourselves. That mandate is for Active Peace, else humanity is not worthy of its name, and will eventually destroy itself, either by fouling its nest (the Earth) or through Active War especially nuclear weapons. This is why any theory of Active Peace is inseparable from our -- humanity's -- relationship with the rest of what the Lakota (Sioux) people of North America call Grandmother Earth and Grandfather Sky -- in Christian terms, G-d omnipresent in all of Creation.
In aid of the most comprehensive, all-encompassing peacemaking and Active Peace, we must all begin to see ourselves as part of circles of humanity, large and small, committed to equitable outcomes in one continuing and wholesome Equity-Restorative Justice process. This process will continue whether or not any of us fail to see ourselves as part of it. But if you are ready to cleave to Active Peace, do so, because its labors can encompass all of human life and success on the Earth. Yes, take care of yourself, but also of your neighbors and even your enemies. Do not judge others, not even your enemies. Rather judge their actions, and the consequences of such actions as problems to be addressed even transformed -- using Active Peace. Your redemption, and all of ours, utterly depends upon it.